At the the end of each GRIT round, I report my results by using using this exact line:
“Let’s start with the least important results, the tangibles.”
Oct 4 - 302lbs,
Nov 1 - 288lbs,
Dec 1 - 279lbs,
Dec 30 - 275lbs,
Jan 31 - 266lbs,
Feb 29 - 259lbs
Because it really is the least important. Yes I’m almost 50lbs lighter. Who doesn’t get excited about that?!? But the biggest thing is what the confidence and increased energy allows me to do. And you’ll see the benefits of that in the ones below.
At first, it felt like I was just putting words down, but not actually believing what I said. Then, I started to dig deeper and truly put some thought into what I wrote. The next phase, became the full on bullshit exposure. I started seeing a pattern of me saying “I have not done this”, “I want to do this” “this is just not me” and I just thought, “Fuck, this poor me shit is getting old and annoying to write about.”
The last couple weeks have been the beginning of a new belief system for me. I’m now looking towards the future of what “I can do” and what “I am going to do.” Once you start to tell yourself something long enough, your mind starts to focus on and think that way. The old lesser me use to think about all the things that went wrong and how it’s made shit harder. The new heroic self on the other hand, has been indoctrinated to believe it can do whatever it wants.
Now I’m not talking about grand fantasies. I’m not jumping in and making the NFL or NBA at age 34. But what I can do is day by day, 1% by 1%, grow as a person in Mind, body, business and relationships. And every time I do that, I’m one step closer to learning a new skill and/or acquiring a new asset.
My relationships with my wife and kids has seen the biggest change. Shedding myself of my lethargic brain, expelling built up stress and energy into my high intensity workouts and my self reflection through daily contexts have allowed me to do this. All of this is what GRIT forces you to do.-
Writing has become my release valve to life. I write when I’m happy, when I’m sad, when I’m angry, when I struggle and everything in between. Writing, even if it is just to yourself, has endless benefits. And one of the biggest ones for me, is that it exposes the bullshit.
I keep a daily journal. Some of that stuff makes it into GRIT or IODs for others to read. And others don’t make it to the light of day. Regardless of where I write it, I always do a weekly recap of all my writing to see where my head was at. And it’s amazing to go back and read the bullshit excuses that come up.
My latest weekly recap exposed that my impatience with my kids is not primarily created by them, but is actually created by me. Reading it all back I could not help but notice all my points related to, “I was trying to read, trying to work, or trying to do something else, and they just kept bugging me to do something with them.” So Andrew, who’s fault is it then? Who is always doing something else and not paying attention to them? Can you blame them.
Fuck, it is me.
If I was not writing this all down, and reading it back, my mind would just keep repeating the narrative that it’s the kids just bugging me, and ignoring the real cause. And I wouldn’t have know what is at the root of the issue.
This one may not seem as clear and obvious as the other 3 are to some, reading this, but to me it’s actually crystal clear. I can’t show you at the moment the ROI data as it pertains to my business. But what I do know is that I’ve been setting the foundation for whatever future I build. Each and every day, GRIT forces me to learn a new skill or to grow and expand on an old one. Each day I move the needle, get the ball rolling 1% by 1% each day. Until that one day it gets so big, and becomes so unstoppable, that I can do whatever it is I want.
And that, I am so proud of.